The Power of Legends > #2

Chapter 2: Ahmed, Amina, and Karim explore an abandoned archaeological site. Intrigued by the mysteries hidden within, they venture deeper into the site, oblivious to the danger that awaits them.
Look, over there! A hidden chamber. This could be the key to unraveling the secrets of the past.
I can't believe we stumbled upon this. It feels like we're in a movie!
Careful, everyone. We must approach this with caution. Who knows what we may find inside.
As they enter the chamber, they are greeted by a mystical glow, emanating from an ancient artifact at the center.
Wow, it's beautiful! I've never seen anything like this before.
This artifact... it appears to hold immense power. We must be careful with it.
No wonder Hassan was after it. This could be a force to be reckoned with.
Suddenly, the ground beneath them begins to rumble, and the chamber starts to collapse.
We need to get out of here! Quickly!
Hold on tight, everyone! We need to find a way to escape this crumbling chamber.
Stay close, don't lose sight of one another. We'll find a way out, I promise.
Just as they reach the exit, a massive boulder blocks their path, trapping them inside.
Oh no! What do we do now?
We must stay calm and think. There must be another way out.
Meanwhile, outside the chamber, Hassan watches with a sinister grin.
So, they've fallen right into my trap. The artifact will be mine, and they will be left to suffer.
Hassan leaves, leaving our trio trapped and uncertain of their fate.
Will they be able to find a way out and save Amina from Hassan's clutches? Only time will tell.