Full Moon o Sagashite is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Arina Tanemura. It was serialized in Shueisha's shōjo manga magazine Ribon from January 2002 to June 2004. The series follows twelve-year-old Mitsuki Koyama, who dreams of becoming a singer to reunite with her first love, Eichi Sakurai. However, Mitsuki is afflicted with throat sarcoma, which affects her ability to sing. She is visited by two shinigami, Takuto and Meroko, who reveal that Mitsuki has only one year left to live. Mitsuki agrees to let Takuto help her become a singer in exchange for taking her soul after the year is over. As Mitsuki gains success in the music industry, she also becomes closer to Takuto and Meroko, and learns about their past as humans who died by suicide. The series explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the pursuit of dreams. Full Moon o Sagashite was adapted into an anime television series and has gained international popularity.