Dragon Eye is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Kairi Fujiyama. It was serialized in Kodansha's Monthly Shōnen Sirius magazine and is licensed in North America by Del Rey Manga. The story is set forty years after a virus called the D-virus transformed people and animals into monsters known as Dracules. The series follows the VIUS, a Dracule elimination force, in their mission to safeguard humanity from extinction. The manga has been well-received, ranking fourth in a reader poll for the best shōnen manga of 2007 and being nominated as one of Young Adult Library Services Association's 2008 Great Graphic Novels. It showcases good artistry, action-packed scenes, and dynamic fight sequences. However, some critics have noted its lack of originality and character development, as well as its excessive use of speedlines in the artwork. Despite these criticisms, the manga is recommended for fans of action-packed series like Naruto and Bleach.